Professional Supervision


Supervision for Professionals

Kite Consulting offers professional supervision for social workers, psychologists, counsellors, health professionals, teachers, coaches, those working within the welfare sector as well as business professionals. Effective supervision supports supervisees to grow both personally and professionally.

It involves regular meetings with an independent supervisor who has the skills, training, knowledge and experience to help you to:

  • Review your work practices and discuss specific clients’ you work with
  • Explore experiences and feelings around work (e.g. excitement, anxiety, frustration)
  • Receive object feedback and guidance related to work issues and related decision making
  • Identify and plan for self-care where needed
  • Develop or strengthen key professional skills (e.g. time management, problem solving, managing relationships)
  • Obtain ideas and information on areas such as competence, ethics, standards, etc. that can contribute to your ongoing professional development.

Professional supervision should be both supportive and challenging in nature. It should encourage a process of self-awareness for the supervisee, in turn supporting self-learning. Naturally then, the quality of the relationship between the supervisor and supervisee is an important consideration, influencing the effectiveness and success of the supervision between the two parties.

Kite Consulting considers the following elements necessary –

  • Warmth
  • Trust
  • Genuineness
  • Ethical, professional boundaries
  • Confidentiality
  • Respect

Supervision aims to improve the protection of end service users, support the ability of staff/supervisees to provide high-quality, valuable services to clients and monitor the self-care of professionals.

Confidentiality within the supervision relationship is a fundamental requirement, allowing the supervisee to openly and honestly explore sensitive issues in a safe, non-judgemental environment. However, there are some limitations to confidentiality, being when –

  • abuse is suspected
  • a client may pose a risk to themselves or others
  • significant risks are identified
  • matters of legal competency arise
  • a court has ordered disclosures.

Do I need professional supervision?

If you answer yes to any of the following questions, then you would benefit from regular professional supervision.

  • Are you a social worker, psychologist, health professional, youth worker or other human services worker providing direct services to clients?
  • Do you manage and supervise teams of human services or allied health professionals?
  • Do you need independent supervision outside of your workplace supervision to better review and reflect on your work?
  • Do you feel stressed or burnt out by work?

Some workplaces pay for an employee’s professional supervision. Contact your HR department or workplace supervisor to explore any support options from your organisation. Should you pay for your own supervision you may be able to claim the cost as a work-related expense when you lodge your annual tax income return.

Supervision is about looking after yourself, improving self-awareness and developing your professional skills. Access to quality supervision encourages –

  • Better job satisfaction
  • Better workplace relationships
  • Improved service delivery to clients
  • Supported management of workplace stress
  • Reduced risk of burnout and vicarious trauma.

To make an appointment or enquire about professional supervision with Kite Consulting, please call  –

0405 313 485 or email [email protected]. Appointments can be either face-to-face at our Strathpine or Kawana Island offices, via phone or online.

Book an appointment

Ready to book an appointment? Call us on 0405 313 485 or send us a message on the Contact Us page.

Please read our Cancellation Policy carefully before you book your appointment or service with us.  At Kite Consulting, we highly value your time and ours.  Please make sure you understand this policy and that you are comfortable with it before booking your allocated appointment time or service. Thank-you in advance for your respect and understanding.